COULD A QUICK LOOK AT YOUR EYE someday tell you if you are at risk of dying early? We may soon be able to identify “fast agers” at risk of dying early. A new study promises to determine your biological age by taking a peek at your eyeball’s retina, tissue at the back of your eye.
Artificial intelligence comes in many flavors, including machine learning. This approach applies known information to new experiences, with the machine learning how to apply this historical information and its experiences for future actions.
Relevant to today’s discussion, machine learning can identify patterns in vast amounts of data that humans might otherwise miss. Let’s get to it.
Machine learning to predict life expectancy
Let’s begin with this remarkable observation:
Researchers taught a machine learning model to predict a person’s life expectancy with remarkable accuracy — the algorithm could predict the age of nearly 47,000 middle-aged and elderly adults within a range of 3.5 years.
Researchers aimed to develop a deep learning model that could determine age from pictures taken of the back of the eye.
The study included over 80,000 images of the fundus (back of the eyeball). The scientists obtained 19,200 images from 11,052…