Mediterranean is a catch-all phrase (Moroccan is different from Italian is different from Greek). To me it means walking to the market, relying less on processed foods and more on unprocessed ones that I can store in my refrigerator for a decade.
Cerca del mar, porque yo
Nací en el Mediterráneo
Nací en el Mediterráneo
Nací en el Mediterráneo.
I'd also love to hear more about the Spanish government's efforts. The Spanish people may not eat a Med diet, but it appears many are doing something right, at least re: longevity and healthspan. What do you think drives the success? Friendships? Less processed food? Tapas? (LOL).
What diet do you recommend? Most cardiologists would not call the so-called Med diet "a joke." You are an insightful neuroscientist. What am I missing?