I think you are right in many respects. We can look at individual elements of diet, but have little high-level evidence for much. And often studies don't account for a complex interplay of a myriad of dietary elements and genetics and environmental stuff. My approach is more Japanese - in terms of protein, do the longest lived people in the world eat eggs? Absolutely. It is an important protein source for them. Do they eat red meat? Absolutely, in smaller proportions than we Americans do. And not burned/well-done. Do they eat cake? You know the answer: In moderation and not frequently on average. I have no quibble with your approach if you do it the Japanese way - in moderation, with lots of activity such as walking, and with fewer processed foods. Thanks for you observations Vern. Always appreciate your spot-on insights. I am beginning to think blogs on diet should have the level of evidence called out at the end. I have enough "may" and "might" already!